The Startup Template


Simplify your side hustle []



The Startup Template


Welcome to The Startup Template! This template is designed to help you kickstart your side project with a pre-configured setup that saves you time and effort. It includes a beautiful landing page, a feature-rich dashboard, and integrates seamlessly with EdgeDB, Next.js, ShadcnUI, Mailgun and NextAuth.


  • Production-Ready: Beautiful landing page and dashboard ready for production use.
  • Integrated Tech Stack: Pre-configured with EdgeDB, Next.js, ShadcnUI, Mailgun, and NextAuth.
  • Reusable Components: A variety of components to reuse and customize.
  • Focus on MVP: Allows you to focus on building your MVP without worrying about the initial setup.

How It Works

  1. Download the Template: Get the pre-configured project setup.

    npx create-thestartuptemplate@latest
  2. Customize Your Content: Update the landing and dashboard pages with your content.

  3. Integrate Your Features: Add your unique features using the provided components.

  4. Deploy and Launch: Launch your MVP quickly and efficiently.


To get started with The Startup Template, run the following command:

npx create-thestartuptemplate@latest

Replace my-app with the name of your project. This command will set up a new project with all necessary dependencies and configurations.

Getting Started

  1. Navigate to your project directory:

    cd thestartuptemplate
  2. Install the dependencies:

    pnpm install
  3. Start the development server:

    pnpm run dev
  4. Open your browser and visit http://localhost:3000 to see your project in action.


Feel free to customize the template according to your needs. You can modify the components, pages, and styles to fit your project's requirements.


What is included in the template?

How do I customize the template?

  • You can easily customize the template by modifying the provided components and pages according to your needs.

Is the template suitable for production use?

  • Yes, the template is designed to be production-ready, ensuring you can launch your project with confidence.

Can I integrate other tools with this template?

  • Absolutely! The template is flexible and can be extended with other tools and libraries as needed.

Do I need prior experience with EdgeDB, Next.js, or ShadcnUI?

  • Basic knowledge of these technologies is helpful, but the template is designed to be user-friendly and easy to set up.


I welcome contributions! Please read our Contributing Guide to learn how you can help us improve this project.


Special thanks to all the teams and individuals who have made this project possible:

Thank you for using The Startup Template! I hope it helps you build amazing projects quickly and efficiently.