

Various Telco AI Usecases & Experiments


Telco AI eXperiments (Telco-AIX)

Welcome to the Telco-AIX collaborative experimental workspace –> where we explore data-driven decision-making through open-source AI capabilities and open datasets.


DomainProjectFocus Area
💰 Revenue ManagementRAFMRevenue Assurance & Fraud Detection
📊 Service QualityService AssuranceLatency & NPS Predictions
🌐 Network Operations5G Network OpsFault Predictions
🌿 SustainabilityEnergy EfficiencyGreen Telecom Initiatives
🔒 SecuritySecOps-AINetworking Security
⚡ Smart InfrastructureAI Powered SmartGridGrid Optimization
🛡️ IoT SecurityIoT Perimeter SecurityPerimeter Security
🤖 Advanced AI5G CNF RCA with LLMRoot Cause Analysis
💬 Customer ExperienceCRM Voice AppIntelligent Customer Interactions
🔍 Anomaly DetectionRootCause AnalysisModel Chaining & RAG
🛰️ ConnectivityStarlink QoESatellite ISP Experience
🖥️ Network OperationsNoC AI AugmentationOSS Optimization
🤖 IT ManagementITSM AutomationIntelligent Service Management

🥚 Easter Egg

DataSets & Trained Models Collection

Explore our curated models and datasets: Telco-AIX on HuggingFace


MaintainerAlessandro ArrichielloProfileEMEA
MaintainerAli BokhariProfileNorth America
MaintainerAtul DeshpandeProfileAPAC
Program ManagerArun ThomasProfileTexas
Business DevelopmentPaul LancasterProfileNorth America
Business DevelopmentSankar PanneerselvamProfileTexas
FounderFatih E. NARProfileTexas

Published Works

TitlePlatformLinkKey Authors
Artificially Intelligent Platform Interface (AI-PI)MediumRead ArticleFatih E. Nar, Ian Hood, Shujaur Mufti et al.
TrueAI4TelcoMediumRead ArticleAzhar Sayeed, Fatih E. NAR et al.
AI Accelerators' Performance vs SustainabilityMediumRead ArticleFatih E. NAR
Avoid AI BlindnessMediumRead ArticleArun Thomas, Fatih E. NAR
AI for Network ScalabilityYouTubeWatch InterviewFatih E. NAR
Integrating Gen AI in NetworksVimeoWatch PanelFatih E. NAR
GenAI in TelcosFierce NetworkRead ArticleVinodhkumar Raghunathan, Fatih E. NAR
BERT Model TrainingRed Hat DevelopersRead ArticleAlessandro Arrichiello
ITSM AutomationRed Hat DevelopersRead ArticleAlessandro Arrichiello

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