

Shelve, is a project management tool for developer to make project creation and management easier




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The Shelve CLI serves as a command-line interface designed for the Shelve platform. This tool enables users to authenticate with Shelve, facilitating the seamless transfer of environment variables for project collaboration within a team directly through the terminal interface.


Install the package locally:

bun a -d @shelve/cli


Configuration is loaded by unjs/c12 from cwd. You can use either shelve.config.json, shelve.config.{ts,js,mjs,cjs} or use the shelve field in package.json. You have the option to create a shelve.config.ts file to enable type checking and autocompletion. The file should contain the following content:

import { createShelveConfig } from "@shelve/cli"

export default createShelveConfig({
  project: "my-project", // only required field
  token: "my-token",
  url: "",
  confirmChanges: false,
  pushMethod: 'overwrite',
  pullMethod: 'overwrite',
  envFileName: '.env',
  autoUppercase: true,

The CLI also has a json schema for the configuration file. that can be used to validate the configuration file. (see it here)


Usage: shelve [options] [command]

The command-line interface for Shelve

  -V, --version       output the version number
  -h, --help          display help for command

  create|c [options]  Create a new project
  pull|pl [options]   Pull variables for specified environment to .env file
  push|ps [options]   Push variables for specified environment to Shelve
  generate|g          Generate resources for a project
  upgrade|u           Upgrade the Shelve CLI to the latest version
  config|cf           Show the current configuration
  help [command]      display help for command
Local development
  • Clone this repository
  • Install latest LTS version of Node.js
  • Enable Corepack using corepack enable
  • Install dependencies using bun install

Self-Hosting with Docker

To self-host the Shelve application using the Docker image available on GitHub, follow these steps:

  1. Pull the Docker Image:

    docker pull
  2. Run the Docker Container:

    docker run -d -p 8080:80 --name shelve-app
  3. Access the Application: Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080 to access the Shelve application.

Ensure you have Docker installed and running on your machine before executing these commands. For more information on Docker, refer to the official Docker documentation.

Self-Hosting with docker-compose

To self-host the Shelve application using the community docker-compose configuration, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone
    cd shelve
  2. Copy the Example Environment File:

    cp apps/shelve/.env.example apps/shelve/.env
  3. Update Environment Variables: Edit the apps/shelve/.env file and update the necessary environment variables.

  4. Run docker-compose:

    docker-compose -f up -d
  5. Access the Application: Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000 to access the Shelve application.

Ensure you have Docker and docker-compose installed and running on your machine before executing these commands. For more information on Docker and docker-compose, refer to the official Docker documentation.


To start contributing, you can follow these steps:

  1. First raise an issue to discuss the changes you would like to make.
  2. Fork the repository.
  3. Create a branch using conventional commits and the issue number as the branch name. For example, feat/123 or fix/456.
  4. Make changes following the local development steps.
  5. Commit your changes following the Conventional Commits specification.
  6. If your changes affect the code, run tests using bun run test.
  7. Create a pull request following the Pull Request Template.
    • To be merged, the pull request must pass the tests/workflow and have at least one approval.
    • If your changes affect the documentation, make sure to update it.
    • If your changes affect the code, make sure to update the tests.
  8. Wait for the maintainers to review your pull request.
  9. Once approved, the pull request will be merged in the next release !

Published under the APACHE license. Made by @HugoRCD, @CavallucciJohann and community 💛

🤖 auto updated with automd (last updated: Fri Oct 11 2024)