MixedVoices is an analytics and evaluation tool for voice agents. Track, visualize, and optimize agent performance through conversation analysis, call quality metrics and call flow charts. Run simulations to test the agent before pushing to production.
pip install mixedvoices
Before using MixedVoices, configure the models used for various operations by using mixedvoices config.
By default all analytics and transcription happens using OpenAI models. Currently analytics supports all OpenAI GPT models from gpt-3.5 onwards. Transcription supports OpenAI whisper and Deepgram nova-2
mixedvoices config
According to the chosen models, set the environment keys: OPENAI_API_KEY, DEEPGRAM_API_KEY (if nova-2 selected for transcription)
import mixedvoices as mv
from mixedvoices.metrics import Metric, empathy # empathy is an inbuilt metric
# binary=>PASS/FAIL, continuous=>0-10
custom_metric = Metric(name="custom", definition="....", scoring="binary")
# Create or load a project
project = mv.create_project("dental_clinic", metrics=[empathy, custom_metric])
project = mv.load_project("dental_clinic") # or load existing project
v1 = project.create_version("v1", prompt="You are a ...") # Create a version
v1 = project.load_version("v1") # or load existing version
# Analyze call, this is blocking, takes a few seconds
# non blocking mode in a separate thread, instantaneous
v1.add_recording("path/to/call.wav", blocking=False)
All recordings added go through the following analysis:-
import mixedvoices as mv
from typing import Tuple
# Create agent by inheriting from BaseAgent. Must implement respond
class DentalAgent(mv.BaseAgent):
def __init__(self, model="gpt-4"):
self.agent = YourAgentImplementation(model=model)
def respond(self, input_text: str) -> Tuple[str, bool]:
response = self.agent.get_response(input_text)
has_conversation_ended = check_conversation_ended(response)
return response, has_conversation_ended
project = mv.load_project("receptionist")
v1 = project.load_version("v1")
# Generate test cases using multiple sources
test_generator = mv.TestCaseGenerator(v1.prompt)
test_generator.add_from_transcripts([transcript]) # Add from conversation transcripts
test_generator.add_edge_cases(2) # Add edge cases
test_generator.add_from_descriptions(["A man from New York, in a hurry"]) # Add from descriptions
test_generator.add_from_project(project) # Add based on project's recordings
test_generator.add_from_version(v1) # Add based on version's recordings
test_cases = test_generator.generate()
# Create and run evaluator, can use a subset of metrics
evaluator = project.create_evaluator(test_cases, metric_names=["empathy"])
evaluator.run(v1, DentalAgent, agent_starts=False, model="gpt-4o")
# same as above, except instead of defining custom agent, can directly use mv.BlandAgent
evaluator.run(v1, mv.BlandAgent, agent_starts=True, auth_token="", pathway_id="", start_node_id="")
Launch the interactive dashboard from the Command Line:
mixedvoices dashboard
git clone https://github.com/MixedVoices/MixedVoices.git
cd MixedVoices
pip install -e ".[dev]"
This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License - see the LICENSE file for details.
Made with โค๏ธ by the MixedVoices Team