

Kener is a Open-Source Status Page System



Kener - Stunning Status Pages

kener example illustration

GitHub Repo stars Awesome status page Awesome self hosted

Docker Kener Docker Image Size Docker Image Size

GitHub Workflow Status GitHub issues

Kener on Product Hunt

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🌍 Live Server🎉 Quick Start🗄 Documentation

What is Kener?

Kener is a sleek and lightweight status page system built with SvelteKit and NodeJS. It’s not here to replace heavyweights like Datadog or Atlassian but rather to offer a simple, modern, and hassle-free way to set up a great-looking status page with minimal effort.

Designed with ease of use and customization in mind, Kener provides all the essential features you’d expect from a status page—without unnecessary complexity.

Why Kener?

✅  Minimal overhead – Set up quickly with a clean, modern UI
✅  Customizable – Easily tailor it to match your brand
✅  Open-source & free – Because great tools should be accessible to everyone

What's in a Name?

“Kener” is inspired by the Assamese word “Kene”, meaning “how’s it going?”. The ‘.ing’ was added because, well… that domain was available. 😄



# Clone the repository
git clone
cd kener
npm install
cp .env.example .env
npm run dev


Official Docker images for Kener are available on Docker Hub. Multiple versions are maintained to support different use cases.

Kener latest stable version: 3.2.10

Available Tags

Image TagDescription
Debian 12 (Bookwork Slim) w/ Node.js v23.7.0  (default)
latestLatest stable release (aka 3.2.10)
3.2.10Specific release version
3.2Major-minor version tag pointing to the latest patch (3.2.10) release within that minor version (3.2.x)
3Major version tag pointing to the latest stable (3.2.10) release within that major version (3.x.x)
Alpine Linux 3.21 w/ Node.js v23.7.0  (smallest image size)
alpineLatest stable release (aka 3.2.10)
3.2.10-alpineSpecific release version
3.2-alpineMajor-minor version tag pointing to the latest patch (3.2.10) release within that minor version (3.2.x)
3-alpineMajor version tag pointing to the latest stable (3.2.10) release within that major version (3.x.x)


Pull the latest stable version:

docker pull rajnandan1/kener:latest

Or use the smaller, Alpine-based variant:

docker pull rajnandan1/kener:alpine

For a production setup, refer to the sample docker-compose.yml. This keeps things clean, structured, and easy to read while preserving all the details.

One Click

Deploy on Railway


Here are some of the features that you get out of the box. Please read the documentation to know how to use them.

📊  Monitoring and Tracking

  • Advanced application performance monitoring tools
  • Real-time network monitoring capabilities
  • Supports polling HTTP endpoints or pushing data via REST APIs
  • Timezone auto-adjustment for visitors
  • Organize monitors into custom sections
  • Cron-based scheduling (minimum: every minute)
  • Create complex API polls (chaining, secrets, etc.)
  • Set a default status for monitors
  • Supports base path hosting in Kubernetes (k8s)
  • Pre-built Docker images for easy deployment

🎨  Customization and Branding

  • Fully customizable status page
  • Badge generation for status and uptime tracking
  • Support for custom domains
  • Embed monitors as iframes or widgets
  • Light & Dark Mode
  • Internationalization (i18n) support
  • Sleek, beautifully crafted UI

🚨  Incident Management

  • Incident tracking & communication tools
  • Comprehensive APIs for incident management

🧑‍💻  User Experience and Design

  • Accessible & user-friendly interface
  • Quick & easy installation
  • Responsive design for all devices
  • Auto SEO & Social Media ready
  • Server-Side Rendering (SSR) for better performance
Visitor Stats

Technologies Used

Support Me

If you’re enjoying Kener and want to support its development, consider sponsoring me on GitHub or treating me to a coffee. Your support helps keep the project growing! 🚀

Sponsor Me Using Github

☕  Buy Me a Coffee



If you want to contribute to Kener, please read the Contribution Guide.

Star History

Star History Chart