

Auto translate i18n JSON file(s) to desired language(s).




Auto translate i18n JSON file(s) to desired language(s).

DescriptionUsageDemoKnown issueTranslate ProvidersCreditsLicense


i18n-auto-translation helps you translate your i18n JSON files. You need to pick one of the translation API providers that are supported, pass the subscription key, language to which you want to translate, path to the file or directory, and you are good to go.


How It Works?

  • If there is no translation for the file you provided, the complete file will be translated, and the new file will be created with the same structure as the original file, keeping the keys in the original language, and translating only values.
  • You can pass a file with the nested JSON objects, and everything will be translated as you expect.
  • The newly created file will be named [to].json. (e.g. de.json)
  • If the translation for the file already exists, only newly added lines will be translated (API will be called only for those lines), and lines that are no longer in the original file will be deleted.
  • Translate APIs are not ideal, and that's why you will need from time to time to override some translations manually. When you manually translate some value, it will remain like that, and it will not be overridden again, unless you use override flag.
  • If you pass a directory instead of a single file, the library will recursively find all the files named [from].json (e.g. en.json), and the translations will be saved in the same directories as the original file.
  • Words that are wrapped in {{}}, {}, <>, </> won't be translated. e.g. {{skip}} {skip} <strong> </strong> <br />.


$ npx i18n-auto-translation -k SUBSCRIPTION_KEY -d PROJECT_DIR -t DESIRED_LANGUAGE


--help/All available options./
--version/Current version./
--apiProvider-aAPI Provider.google-official
--key [required]-kSubscription key for the API provider./
--region-rKey region. Used only by the Official Azure API.global
--filePath [filePath or dirPath required]-pPath to a single JSON file./
--dirPath [filePath or dirPath required]-dPath to a directory in which you will recursively find all JSON files named [from].json (e.g. en.json)/
--from-fFrom which language you want to translate.en
--to [required]-tTo which language you want to translate./
--override-oOverride existing translation(s).false
--certificatePath-cPath to a custom certificate./
--spaces-sNumber of spaces to use when generating output JSON files.2
--maxLinesPerRequest-lMaximum number of lines per request. For every x number of lines, separated request is sent to the api.50



Known issue

In some cases, you might face problem with google translate api. When you try to translate a lot of text, the response might be wrong, and it will change the structure of the translated json file.

Two issues were opened related to this problem, you can read more about it here. #12 #46

If you face this problem, try to change maxLinesPerRequest. The default value is 50, and that means if your file is larger than 50 lines, multiple request will be sent to the api. For every 50 lines, one request will be sent. Try to reduce this number in order to fix the issue.

In my testing, only google had this problem, but you can try the same approach if it happens with other provides. Feel free to open the issue if you have any problems.

Translate Providers

ProviderCLI usage
Google Translate Officialgoogle-official
Azure Translator Officialazure-official
Azure Translator RapidAPIazure-rapid
Deep Translate RapidAPIdeep-rapid
Lecto Translation RapidAPIlecto-rapid
Lingvanex Translate RapidAPIlingvanex-rapid
NLP Translation RapidAPInlp-rapid
Deepldeepl-pro / deepl-free

Obtaining keys

  • Google
    • Goto https://console.cloud.google.com/ and create a new project.
    • In the search bar find “Cloud Translation API” and enable it.
    • Click on credentials -> Create credentials -> API key.
    • Copy the key and use it.
  • Azure
    • Follow the instructions here.
  • RapidAPI
    • For all RapidAPI providers, create an account here.
    • Go to desired API and switch to the pricing section. There you will find instructions on how to subscribe to the API.
    • Now you can use your key provided from RapidAPI.

Adding Provider

You don't like supported API providers? You can easily add yours. Go to src/translate/providers, create class for your provider, extend 'Translate' class, and implement 'callTranslateAPI' method. You can check in other providers for examples on how to implement this method. After you added your provider, you just need to register it in 'translate-supplier.ts' and in 'cli.ts' and you are good to go.


This software uses the following open source packages:
