ArtistAssistApp is a Progressive Web App (PWA) for artists to accurately mix any color from a
photo, analyze tonal values, turn a photo into an outline, draw with the grid method, paint with a
limited palette, simplify a photo, compare photos pairwise, remove the background from an image, and
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Getting Started
Accurately mix any color from your reference photo using the paints you have
Add your favorite color mixtures to the palette
Do a tonal value study
Reduce the detail on your reference photo
Turn any photo into an outline and print it
Draw a grid over your reference photo
Play around with limited color palettes
Mix specific colors from specific brands in any proportion
Remove the background from your illustrations
Use pairwise comparison to rank your photos
Share your color set with others or between your devices
Install ArtistAssistApp on your device
Implementation details
ArtistAssistApp does not use artificial intelligence (AI), but rather mathematics.
The web app doesn't depend on any math or color library and includes the implementation of the
- sRGB to Oklab (WebGL),
- sRGB to spectral reflectance,
- subtractive color mixing using Kubelka-Munk theory,
- matrix operations,
- matrix inversion using LU decomposition,
- solving a system of linear algebraic equations using forward and backward substitution,
- the average color of the circular area of the image
- calculation of color similarity by comparing spectral reflections (Euclidean distance and cosine
- vector operations,
- threshold filter based on perceived lightness (WebGL),
- Kuwahara blur filter (WebGL),
- Sobel operator for edge detection (WebGL),
- median cut for color quantization,
- adjusting white balance with white patch algorithm (WebGL),
- adjusting saturation (WebGL),
- adjusting color levels (WebGL),
- adjusting color temperature (WebGL),
- invert colors filter,
- ranking images using pairwise comparison and Elo rating system,
- and more.
The web app uses Web Workers for parallel processing and Service Workers for offline access.